connect. the future.
Triopt Group
Alexander-Bell-Straße 19
47445 Moers
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On the road to success with us.

Your competitive advantage through innovative solutions.

Our long-standing expertise in telecommunications and civil engineering enables us to expand our portfolio with forward-looking and innovative services. With our broad offering, which includes our 5G Private-Network solutions, e-Mobility charging infrastructure and UAS-Services, we provide customised Full-Turnkey-Solutions.

Customized, reliable and exclusive.

5G Private-Network.

Individual 5G Private-Networks - the flexible and comprehensive solution for your requirements!

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Sustainable mobility starts here.


We offer individual electromobility solutions. Whether AC or DC charging stations, wallboxes or charging parks - we will find the optimal solution for your charging infrastructure.

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UAS - Unmanned Aircraft System.


Precise, safe and efficient - our experienced copter pilots reliably control the drones and deliver the desired results.

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Ein Kugelschreiber auf mehreren Dokumenten der Triopt Group
From the idea to implementation.

We bring your vision to life!

Especially in the area of innovations, we offer you individual advice from the very beginning and support you in all phases of your project – we create a competitive advantage for you through our innovative solutions!

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