connect. the future.
Triopt Group
Alexander-Bell-Straße 19
47445 Moers
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TriOpt GmbH.

Customized solutions.

Our claim is to offer our customers first-class solutions tailored to their individual requirements. With our many years of experience in the industry and our technical know-how, we are able to develop and implement innovative telecommunications solutions.

State-of-the-art technologies.

Seamless communication.

As a trusted partner of the major network operators, we stand for reliability and efficiency. We work closely with our customers to implement projects successfully and on time. Our goal is to provide seamless and reliable communications so that businesses and individuals can benefit from the latest technologies.

Verkabelungen für Telekommunikation
Our expertise.

Shaping the future together.

Whether it’s the expansion of fiber-optic networks, the introduction of new mobile communications standards or the optimization of existing infrastructures – you’ve come to the right place. Trust our expertise and let us shape the future of telecommunications together.

Mitarbeiter der TrioptGroup am arbeiten im Bereich Telecommunications
At a glance.

Our services in telecommunication.


Radio & microwave network planning.

We plan new radio and microwave network stations and find ways to optimize existing connections.

Fixed network planning.

We are planning fiber optic and fixed network routes to provide every household with access to unrestricted communications.

FTTH – Fiber to the Home.

To lay and connect fiber optic cables, we rely on blowing and splicing. We bring the high-speed Internet to your house.

Radio & fixed network optimization.

We update the radio stations and distribution cabinets to guarantee unrestricted transmission performance.

Analysis & measurements.

Wading analysis, Line Of Sight tests, performance measurements or even in-house capacity measurements are part of our services.

Project management.

Full-Turnkey-Service for in-house & enterprise projects: From CAD drawing to implementation, integration and final optimization, we offer everything from a single source.

Construction of radio sites.

We offer a complete turnkey solution for the construction and conversion of mobile radio sites.

Site acquisition.

We will find the right location for your radio station: Whether greenfield or rooftop site.

Field Service.

Our experienced technicians reliably install and replace the devices on site and always ensure an optimal connection.

Our partners and customers.
Logo TKM
Logo der Telekom
Logo der Line of Sight
Logo von TKS
Vodafone Logo
Logo von Techbros
Logo von 1&1
Logo des Triopt Partners Systemec
Our competencies.

Always one step ahead.

The modernization of the telecommunications network is indispensable. We are the experts for the expansion and further development of the communications infrastructure. These measures are essential for successfully coping with technological progress and meeting the growing demand for capacity. Our comprehensive range of services covers all steps from planning to implementation and optimization to successfully implement your projects.

Radio and fixed network planning.

Careful planning of wireless and fixed networks is critical to ensure seamless connectivity and effective communications.

Our services:

  • Radio network planning (4G, 5G).
  • Planning of microwave network.
  • Planning of fixed network and fiber optic routes.
  • 5G Private-Network planning.
  • Site Acquisition.
Fahnen Mast von oben aus Drohnenaufnahme

Optimization of existing networks.

The optimization of existing radio and fixed networks plays a crucial role in ensuring that the needs for a fast and reliable communications infrastructure are met.

Our services:

  • Planning and conversion of existing radio sites.
  • Radio sites power measurements.
  • LOS Test Evaluations & Watt Wächter Analyses.
  • Installation and replacement of hardware components.
  • Wiring of house connections, distribution boxes and radio sites.
Mitarbeiter bei der Arbeit

Project planning and management.

Detailed project planning and professional project management are crucial factors for the success of your project – no matter what type or size.

Our services:

  • Full-Turnkey-Service for special and enterprise projects.
  • In-house solutions for companies, industry, hospitals, trade fairs, public infrastructure and many more.
  • Consulting and capacity planning.
  • AutoCAD planning and iBwave modeling.
  • GIS documentation.
Eine Mitarbeiterin der Telekommunikation von Triopt Group arbeitet an einem Computer
Our performance.


Icon Planung Telekommunikation


We analyze and define the requirements and goals of your project and create a more detailed plan that includes all the necessary steps and resources.

Icon Install


Our experienced technicians perform the installation of hardware components, cabling and network setup according to the requested specifications.

Icon Inbetrieb


We inspect and configure all installed components to ensure that the system is functioning properly and meets the desired performance standards.

Icon Optimierung


Our measurement engineers monitor, analyze and fine-tune configurations to ensure maximum efficiency and performance.

Telekommunikation Planung Gladbach Stadion

Inhouse projects.

Starting with the CAD drawing, through installation to integration and optimization, we offer everything from a single source and ensure an optimal and reliable mobile network for event halls, public buildings, but also for sports stadiums and office buildings.

Telekommunikation Messtechnik

Measurement team.

Our experienced measurement technicians are on duty for you everywhere, whether indoor or outdoor measurements, we ensure a flawless and reliable network.

Mitarbeiter bei der Arbeit


Whether house connections, distribution stations or radio masts, our technicians are experts in fiber optic cabling.

Hand mit Smartphone nimmt Musik Festival auf


Our Mobile Radio Trailers provide a temporary solution to bridge radio gaps at various locations, to reinforce network stability at festivals and to establish a reliable communication infrastructure in a disaster area.

Site Acquisition.

Networked together:
Site acquisition that connects.

We are your contact for the site acquisition of mobile sites. As a link between network operators and site owners, we identify optimal locations and negotiate with the relevant partners throughout Germany. Our range of services includes, among other things, the acquisition of new sites, the renegotiation of existing locations, site inspections for site evaluation and communication with the authorities. Our focus is on the identification of rooftop sites, the development of greenfield sites and the implementation of small cells to ensure nationwide mobile coverage.

Telekommunikation Mast

Successfully completed projects.

Upgrading the mobile and network infrastructure for BVB's Signal Iduna Park.

The Triopt Group has comprehensively modernized the mobile and network infrastructure at Signal Iduna Park on behalf of 1&1 to ensure optimal connectivity for the 2024 European Football Championship. The project included the installation of 128 MIMO antennas and full coverage with 2G, 4G and 5G technology to enable high data capacity and low latency. Thanks to the collaboration with strong partners, the stadium was equipped with state-of-the-art network technology on schedule, providing a first-class digital experience for all visitors.

Ein Bauplan für Telekommunikation der Triopt Group
Competent and trustworthy.

Flexible solutions for your project.

Our many years of experience in the telecommunications industry are reflected in our innovative and individual Full-Turnkey-Solutions. We realize your project!

Kontakt Telekommunikation EN

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service portfolio.

Arbeitende der TrioptGroup im Tiefbau

Civil Engineering.

We are your reliable and competent complex service provider and offer civil engineering solutions of all kinds to realize your projects on time and in the best possible way.

Ein Metallbauer bei der Arbeit

Metal Construction.

Everything from a single source: From constructions for buildings to mechanical engineering and the construction of mobile phone masts, we offer a broad portfolio of services.

Ein Interview in der Personalvermittlung von der Triopt Group

Personnel Consulting.

Our comprehensive personnel services include employee leasing, personnel placement for companies as well as a targeted job placement for applicants.

Programmierer arbeitet an einer neuen Software-Lösung

Software Development.

Customized software development for innovative and efficient software solutions that drive your business forward.

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