connect. the future.
Triopt Group
Alexander-Bell-Straße 19
47445 Moers
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Civil Engineering.

Civil Engineering.

Triopt-Bau GmbH.

Your strong partner for strong networks.

We are your reliable and competent complex service provider in the telecommunications industry with civil engineering solutions of all kinds. With our headquarters in Moers and our regional area of operation, we are your trusted partner for fixed network and fiber optic expansion. Our customers include major network operators and municipal companies, for whom we offer Full-Turnkey-Solutions.

Triopt Group Warnjacke
Efficient and on schedule.

The digital future.

We do everything in our force to drive forward the expansion of the digital infrastructure and attach great importance to reliability, competence and flexibility. Our experienced team is ready to implement your projects efficiently and on schedule. Trust our many years of expertise in civil engineering and let us shape the digital future together.

Ein Schutzrohr für Glasfaserkabel für den Breitbandausbau beim Tiefbau der Triopt Group
Quality tested.

Experts in underground line construction!

In addition to ISO 9001:2015 certification, Triopt Group is proud to have received the prestigious RAL-GZ 962/1 underground line construction certification. These awards confirm our high quality standards in underground line construction. The quality mark stands for tested quality and reliability. You can rely on us to meet your requirements and to carry out the work professionally and on schedule.

Tiefbau Zertifikat RAL-GZ 962/1 der TrioptGroup
At a glance.

Our services in civil engineering.


Project planning & management.

We act for you as a general contractor and take care of your project from implementation planning including permits and authority management, civil engineering and cabling to surveying and documentation.

Fiber optic expansion.

Whether in the countryside or in the city, our civil engineering experts reliably bring high-speed Internet to the end user.

FTTH - Installation.

We jet the optical fibers into the fiber optic cables, splice them, then install the house connection, thus ensuring unrestricted access to the digital world.

Open and closed underground pipeline construction.

Whether conventional civil engineering or using special methods such as earth mapping and flush drilling technology – we always achieve the desired goal.


We build the basic framework for your e-Mobility infrastructure – we dig the excavation pit, lay the empty pipes, place the foundations and pull in the required cables.

Measurement & documentation.

After completion of the work, we measure the site using state-of-the-art technology and document detailed information on the infrastructure actually installed and the cabling details.

Our partners & customers.
Vodafone Logo
Tiefbau NetAachen Logo
Logo der Telekom
Logo des Triopt Partners Deutsche Giga Access
Logo von 1&1
Logo des Triopt Partners Netze Duisburg
Fiber optic networks.

The infrastructure of the future.

We specialize in underground cable construction and fiber optic installation by providing advanced broadband and fixed network solutions. With our Full-Turnkey-Solutions, we offer a comprehensive service covering all aspects from planning to implementation.

Tiefbaumitarbeiter der TrioptGroup in einer Warnwest
Our competencies.

Our methods for fiber optic civil engineering.

We work with classical civil engineering methods and with innovative technology:

  • Conventional civil engineering.
  • Cable plow and trencher.
  • Horizontal flush drilling method.
  • Ground displacement missiles.
Leerrohre für Glasfaserkabel für den Breitbandausbau beim Tiefbau der Triopt Group
Other services.

Pipeline civil engineering and more.

An insight into our other services:

  • Teaching pipe laying.
  • House connections.
  • Cable ducts and distribution boxes.
  • Cable civil engineering and foundation setting for e-Mobility.
  • and others.
Tiefbau Baugrube
Our performance.


Icon Planung


We create an execution plan, carry out site inspections, take care of the authority management and offer you competent advice at any time.

Icon Tiefbau

Civil engineering.

We offer civil engineering works of all kinds, from classic civil engineering to innovative methods such as earth rocket and flush drilling, as well as the laying of empty pipes.

Icon Verkabelung


Our experienced installers pull the fiber optic cables into the empty conduits, blow in the fiber optic cables and interconnect the branch and end stations.

Icon Dokumentation


Our documentation serves as an inventory of the fiber optic infrastructure by geographically surveying and recording detailed information about the actual installed infrastructure and cabling details.

Mitarbeiter des Tiefbaus bei der Projektplanung

Project planning.

Our extensive expertise ranges from construction supervision to project management and execution planning, and includes overall construction coordination.

Glasfaserkabel für den Breitbandausbau beim Tiefbau der Triopt Group

FTTH - house connection.

Our specialized professionals are trained to overcome all challenges and lay the fiber network right to the front of the house to ensure seamless connectivity for every end customer.

e Mobility Tiefbau


In the field of e-Mobility civil engineering, we offer comprehensive solutions for laying cables, lines and placing foundations to ensure smooth integration of charging stations.

Ein Mitarbeiter der TrioptGroup arbeitet am Tiefbau

Special services.

Where others reach their limits, we continue to find solutions to implement your project- like in this case, the removal of an old tree trunk with a tree cutter.

Mehrere Mitarbeiter der Triopt Group auf einer Baustelle
From the idea to the implementation.

We are laying the foundation for the digital future.

Even before the first cut is made, we are there to advise you. We take over all tasks from planning to civil engineering and documentation to realize your civil engineering project.

Kontakt Tiefbau EN

*Required fields

service portfolio.

Mitarbeiter der Telekommunikation bei der Arbeit


With our many years of experience and technical know-how in telecommunications, we are able to develop and implement innovative solutions.

Ein Metallbauer bei der Arbeit

Metal Construction.

Everything from a single source: From constructions for buildings to mechanical engineering and the construction of mobile phone masts, we offer a broad portfolio of services.

Ein Interview in der Personalvermittlung von der Triopt Group

Personnel Consulting.

Our comprehensive personnel services include employee leasing, personnel placement for companies as well as a targeted job placement for applicants.

Programmierer arbeitet an einer neuen Software-Lösung

Software Development.

Customized software development for innovative and efficient software solutions that drive your business forward.

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