These include:
Managing Directors
Jörg Dahms, Nils Ermert
Commercial register.
Local court Kleve HRB 10467
Sales tax identification no.
DE 273112746
Managing Directors
Jörg Dahms, Nils Ermert
Commercial register.
Local court Kleve HRB 13657
Sales tax identification no.
DE 303356232
Managing Directors
Jörg Dahms, Nils Ermert
Commercial register.
Local court Kleve HRB 13483
Sales tax identification no.
DE 201494857
Managing Directors
Jörg Dahms, Nils Ermert
Commercial register.
Local court Kleve HRB 15215
Sales tax identification no.
DE 317565822
Address of all companies.
Alexander-Bell-Strasse 19, 47445 Moers, Germany.
Registered office of all companies.
Thomas-Morus-Weg 1, 47574 Goch
TRIOPT-GROUP has the reputation of a reliable and fair partner. These values create trust. Therefore, it is naturally our goal to maintain and continuously expand this position. Our compliance guideline contains the basic rules for our behavior within the TRIOPT-GROUP as well as towards our business partners. It supplements and specifies our corporate principles in an entrepreneurial and team-oriented manner.
The management expects every employee to adhere to the rules of the compliance guideline without restriction.
1. basic principles:
Compliance means adherence to laws, regulations and instructions.
This guideline applies to all employees and board members of the TRIOPT-GROUP without exception.
We act in our areas of responsibility in accordance with applicable
EU directives,
regulations and internal instructions.
In addition, in individual areas of regulation, we observe the existing guidelines in the ISO certification (Quality Management Systems Requirements / ISO 9001:2015), work instructions, leaflets, etc., which specify the rules of our compliance policy.
Discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, religion, ideology, disability, age or sexual identity is prohibited without exception. This applies in particular to dealings with employees – including in the context of any hiring and/or dismissal, and business partners.
In the interest of the health and safety of employees and visitors, each employee must comply with the applicable laws, regulations and standards on occupational safety at his or her workplace.
Each employee shares responsibility for environmental protection in his or her work area and is encouraged to comply with environmental laws, regulations and standards.
Employees who wish to participate directly or indirectly in a competitor company (directly or indirectly) or who are already involved must report this to the management. It must then be verified whether a conflict of interest exists.
2. prohibition of bribery and combating money laundering.
Corruption harms competition, prevents fair competition and thus does not correspond to our values. Corruption exposes the TRIOPT-GROUP and its employees to an unnecessary liability risk.
Invitations and gifts are part of social interaction and, within an appropriate framework, also part of polite dealings. Employees may extend invitations to business partners, give gifts and accept invitations and gifts from them, provided that these are within reasonable limits. This procedure must be carried out transparently and coordinated in advance with the respective supervisor and/or management within the usual framework.
The aim is to counteract even the appearance of corruption. Invitations and gifts are therefore to be declined if they are obviously or presumably connected with a concrete expectation of some kind of consideration; in any case, the management is to be informed in parallel.
Furthermore, invitations and gifts are to be refused in any case if acceptance would violate laws or internal directives. Employees of the TRIOPT-GROUP are not allowed to demand benefits; the same applies to the granting of advantages.
The participation in professional events by employees is permissible. The same applies to the organization of professional events. Invitations to and participation in social and recreational events in the business environment are permissible if they are within reasonable limits. Under no circumstances may they even give the impression of harming fair competition or mixing interests.
The TRIOPT-GROUP works exclusively with reputable business partners who act within the framework of legal regulations and do not use illegal financial means. Every employee must comply with the laws against money laundering and report any suspicions of money laundering to the management immediately.
Current applicable customs regulations must be complied with both when exporting and importing goods.
3. Expectations, Conduct and Protection.
We expect all employees, customers and suppliers to
to comply with all applicable laws
refrain from corruption
respect for human rights
Compliance with laws against child labor
Protect the health and safety of all employees
compliance with national laws and international standards on occupational safety, environmental protection and data protection, and
that these points are also implemented and complied with in the company’s own supply chain.
4. consequences in the event of violations.
We pursue and punish violations of our compliance rules. In this way, TRIOPT-GROUP wants to protect itself from the following consequences:
claims for damages by third parties
cost-intensive legal proceedings
fines and profit skimming
loss of image
We have obligated our employees to inform the management immediately if they become aware of any compliance violations.
If you have any questions about our compliance policy, please contact our management:
Jörg Dahms
Phone: + 49 2841 88941101
Nils Ermert
Phone: + 49 2841 88941106